Getting sick can be avoided by maintaining health through proper diet, good sleep, lots of sunlight, moderate exercise and a low stress lifestyle. Chlorine Dioxide is a great backup tool for when something breaks through those defenses.
Read moreI don't floss, brush my teeth maybe once a week, and haven't been to a dentist in 20 years and have perfect dental health. Here's how I do it.
Read moreMankind is literally in the middle of being assimilated into the Borg hivemind. The only way out is the removal of the electromagnetic communication system we've become dependant on.
Read moreI've been living outside for over a year wearing a single set of clothes. I rarely wash them, but when I do here's how I do it.
Read moreThe Pinephone is a smartphone running the Linux open source operating system. It can be difficult to use, and some features don't work yet, but it's your best bet if you are technically inclined and want maximum security.
Read moreSpirits can be spoken to and contracted with just like with other men and women. They are not all nefarious, but most that get involved with mankind are "assisting" for their own good, not ours.
Read moreIt's time to start harvesting the amaranth in the spiral garden. Let's see how much food I get out of the biggest one I grew.
Read moreThe USB Solar Panel I've been using for years is still working great, but I've decided to move to something lighter, smaller and more durable.
Read moreI generally don't advise getting into cryptocurrencies for investment purposes, but if that's what you're into then here's the coin I recommend and why.
Read morePeople are waking up to the fact that the Covid "Vaccine" is a poison deathshot, but are still slow to realize that vaccines have always been a weapon against the people.
Read moreA skeptic presents themselves as a truth seeker using sound reason to reach their conclusions, but in my experience they are simply people who don't want to know the truth because it terrifies them all while pretending to be the rational person in the room.
Read moreWe are sold a lie on the world stage so that we remain asleep to the fact that this nightmare is being orchestrated by evil parasites.
Read moreThere are ways to greatly reduce the risks of using a smartphone, such as using a deGoogled phone running GrapheneOS, but it's also important to understand the various ways your data can be accessed in order to maximize your security.
Read moreThe Rapid Ridgeline allows you to quickly deploy and takedown multiple poncho or tarp shelter configurations. Here's how to make your own.
Read moreWhile living outside for over a year I've had the opportunity to optimize my minimalist survival clothing system to work for any climate or weather situation.
Read moreI posted a video discussing some NSFW topics yesterday which can only be found on the LBRY app or my website. Here's how to make sure you are notified of all my future content.
Read moreErotic Massage can be used to heal the body and mind, but it is not without its serious dangers and temptations. The audio of this video is NSFW.
Read moreI've upgraded my utility belt to use the molle attachment system. Paired with drop-leg bags I can carry everything I need to survive outside on the warmer months without a backpack.
Read moreIn this post-equinox garden update a lot is still happening in the garden. I suspect I'm growing enough food to feed several people through the coming winter.
Read moreA poncho can serve as a raincoat, bivy sack and shelter. I've used mine in heavy rain, snow, ice and wind storms.
Read moreMy Wizard Hat keeps the intense midday sun off my face and neck while completing the wizardly look.
Read moreThe last couple days I've been working on my Solar eBike and the Linux Pinephone a viewer gifted me.
Read moreI use a 4-Liter Dry Sack as a waterproof container for my grains when living outdoors out of my backpack.
Read moreI discovered a weird insect with big wings that look like the leaves of the Sunchoke plant it's eating and planting a string of eggs on.
Read moreMy preferred food container for living outside is a plastic 1L jar with a screw top lid and inner seal. It'll protect from most things... though probably not bears.
Read moreThe hardest part of living outside is severe and unpredictable weather. Luckily it only happens a few times a year where I live.
Read more\"Buddhism is most famous today for everything it originally never taught.\" - A.K. Coomaraswamy
Read moreI've been living outside for over a year and can fit everything I need to survive in my backpack. The key factors to consider in a bag are volume, weight, comfort and durability.
Read moreA backpack filled with the right gear greatly increases your chance of surviving what's coming. The window to acquire this equipment is closing.
Read moreHere's an update on the Wizard Life along with some musings on indigestion and the end of the world.
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