Wanting something doesn't necessarily imply hedonism, and devotion isn't always a good thing.
Read moreMankind has been steered over thousands of years to think and act like slaves by consent.
Read moreThe Occult is simply truth which has been intentionally hidden from the common people in order to gain power over them.
Read moreI've been living completely outside for over two years now, and most of that was under my raincoat.
Read moreMen and Women both want different things from an intimate relationship. If you don't understand these basics you're likely to find yourself in a miserable situation.
Read moreIt's probably impossible to use any smartphone with perfect privacy, but some is better than none. Here are the main things to know when deciding how secure you want to be.
Read moreThe Sunchokes are already taller than me, which is the same height they reached last year by September... and it's still June.
Read moreEvery single one of us has some amount of self-assembling nanobots inside our body. The vaccinated are the worst off, but we are all exposed to some degree.
Read moreWhile I agree that there are some shills in the truth and freedom movements, many people take their suspicions to the point of ridiculousness.
Read moreHaving a Bug Net that fits over your head is critical when living outdoors. It not only stops mosquitos, but also denies the crawly creatures access to your face while sleeping.
Read moreGenetics affect both the physical and mental characteristics of a people on average. This leads to advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. Exceptions occur in significant amounts... so don't be a douche.
Read moreEven if my website's server is forced offline and my domain taken away from me, you will always be able to access my videos using the link below if you have IPFS running.
Read moreIf you could add 50 years to your life by eating a newborn baby... would you?
Read moreMacadamia Nuts are able to be lightly roasted without harming their abundant healthy oils. I give it a try in the solar oven...
Read morePine trees give off a huge amount of Pine Pollen for a few days every year. You can use it as a food, and it also contains phytoandrogens similar to hormones like testosterone.
Read moreThe sunchokes are already 4 feet tall, and at this same time last year I had just started planting them. It's going to be a forest!
Read moreI answer some questions viewers sent in live. Topics include catgirls, aliens and underground civilizations.
Read moreGrocery stores are always getting rid of "expired produce", and many are happy give away that perfectly good food to "feed your chickens".
Read moreI briefly mentioned my plans for a post-cataclysm harem a couple videos ago. Here you can find some elaborations and clarifications for the public record.
Read moreYou can eat Prickly Pear Cactus pads, flower buds and fruit as long as you find a way to safely remove the thorns.
Read moreIn order to understand our probable future you first need to know where we are and how we got here. It's not what you've been taught, but they don't really hide it either.
Read moreCold Soaked Meals allow you to eat without cooking by simply adding water and a little time. Organic Instant Oats are probably the healthiest option for the primary ingredient.
Read moreDid you know that a few peppercorns can save you from a THC or Psilocybin overdose? Here's a personal anecdote...
Read moreIf you're in the mood for some chess, consider challenging me online. Don't worry, I'm not very good...
Read moreToday is our scheduled day to divert water from the community acequia to flood the permaculture garden.
Read moreIf you're ever looking for some interesting videos to watch you can go to moderndaywizards.org to see content from other creators I recommend.
Read moreI just got back from a 6-day camping trip with a friend. Let's see if the garden survived without me for so long!
Read moreYucca plants throw up a stalk when the conditions are right which looks like a giant asparagus and generates big flowers which eventually grow into edible fruit.
Read moreThe hidden spring in the middle of the desert appears to be a hospitable environment for the sunchokes.
Read moreNostr is a fairly new open source and decentralized social media network which is censorship resistant while still allowing individuals and communities control of what they see.
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