The true God of creation goes through a recurring cycle of dreams which slowly transition to nightmares and an ending of all things. Once It has recovered from the trauma of being, a new dream begins.
Read moreThe Pennywhistle is light, compact and sturdy, which makes it perfect for the minimalist nomad lifestyle. It's also one of the easiest instruments to learn.
Read moreThe spiral garden is way out in the lead, but we started all of the sunchokes 2 months earlier than last year, so the entire grow is likely to far exceed 6 feet tall.
Read moreThe IPFS Gateway that hosts went down yesterday for some unknown reason. Luckily, the decentralized videos seem to still be available... Web3 works!
Read moreHumanity's survival is dependent on reducing our reliance on the corporations called "governments", and the steps in that gradual process are specific to your individual situation.
Read moreMany life updates and some of my thoughts on the world situation.
Read moreI combine Electroculture and Magnetoculture as my newest experiment in the garden using galvanized wire, a fishing pole, ring magnets and a salvaged vacuum cleaner power cord.
Read moreI got the urge to ride my Solar eBike miles into the wilderness looking for hidden water sources.
Read moreIt's almost May and it's snowing again...
Read moreI create several different antennas and place them in the pots with the Sunchokes as a science experiment to see what Electroculture methods are most effective.
Read moreWizards and Sorcerers both commit to learning the Truth no matter what, but they make very different choices on how to use that knowledge.
Read moreHere's a recent interview I did on the Fathers After 50 podcast discussing health, minimalism and outdoor living.
Read moreI mix my own Hot Chocolate Powder recipe for outdoor survival purposes which contains lots of calories and nutrition while requiring minimal preparation in the field.
Read moreI install the Electroculture experiment in the Spiral Garden using 100-feet of copper wire. Now we wait and see what happens!
Read moreThe Solar eBike can take me and all my gear at least 60 miles in a single charge on paved roads, and deep into remote wilderness areas that most people are unable to access.
Read moreThe backpack I use nowadays is a Granite Gear Crown 2 with a molle battle belt swapped in to hold the tools I want close at hand.
Read moreI head out into the desert to plant some sunchokes and to scavenge copper wire for the electroculture project.
Read moreThe 60 sunchokes I grew last year have turned into close to 1000 new sunchokes planted this year. Plus, I'm planning an Electroculture experiment...
Read moreJudaism and its associated bloodline has a strong tendency to generate psychopathic individuals with a lust for world domination and a willingness to enact unimaginable horrors upon the rest of Mankind.
Read moreDates dipped in Peanut Butter paired with my homemade Hot Chocolate allows me to fuel my body with satisfying food while minimizing pack weight and effort to prepare.
Read moreAfter two full Winters living outside I have optimized my sleeping gear to handle below freezing temperatures while minimalizing pack weight.
Read moreNow that the weather is warming up I'm going to be spending more time out in the wilderness away from the noise of civilization.
Read moreAdding Vitamin C to a Methylene Blue solution causes it to turn clear, makes it more readily absorbable by your cells and charges it with energy.
Read moreMonerujo is an open source Monero wallet for Android phones. It's best when paired with a de-Googled device to maximize privacy.
Read moreBelief is suspecting and acting as is something is true without 100% certainty. Knowledge is a form of belief with a higher threshold of justication.
Read moreGetting Methylene Blue in powder form allows you to carry a year's supply in a tiny glass vial.
Read moreA USB rechargeable lighter gives you a quick and easy fire, and you can keep it charged using a solar panel that fits in a backpack.
Read moreJesse Boudreau joins us to discuss how we can resist the tyrants who seek to enslave us by building towards food independence.
Read moreIt was 70°F a couple days ago, and now it's below freezing and snowing. Fortunately, there's a good chance this is the last snow we will see this year.
Read moreDavid Greenberg and Cahlen Lee discuss the ethics of eating meat within the context of Natural Law.
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