The weather is warming up, and my shoulder is feeling much better, so I'm doing a little work in the garden. You can check out the Modern Day Wizards livestream tomorrow at 10am Mountain.
Read moreThe current banking system will collapse eventually, and probably very soon. Cryptocurrencies are a target as well, though their ultimate fate could go several ways.
Read moreI will occasionally be doing videos which are exclusive to my website.
Read moreFrequent ejaculation makes a man weak, apathetic and unattractive to women. Keeping and cultivating sexual energy does the opposite.
Read moreSocialism is only negative in situations where participation is not voluntary. Unfortunately, most Socialists think it must be done using coercive governments.
Read moreMethylene Blue is considered an essential medicine in the medical community, and is also used by Biohackers to increase their energy, cognition and lifespan.
Read moreInfrared Light Therapy heals the body by increasing cellular energy, signaling collagen production, reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow.
Read moreHaving rain gear which can fit in your pockets prevents situations where you're soaked unexpectedly because you didn't want to carry a bag.
Read moreThe weather is starting to warm up and change is in the air! Here are some things I'm working on, and a request that you not commune with spirits on my behalf.
Read moreThe behavior of the various chemicals on the Periodic Table of Elements can be understood more deeply through music.
Read moreDioxins are likely the most toxic substance mankind has ever created, and there's not much information out there on how to detoxify after exposure, but here's what I was able to find.
Read moreMy server went offline and the provider is unreachable. It'll probably come back, but it's got me thinking about living without it.
Read moreTinnitus is especially devastating because people are told by doctors that there is nothing which can be done about it, but this isn't actually the case.
Read moreWe are in a situation where the people harming mankind are the only ones the society thinks are allowed to enact justice.
Read moreThe toxic mushroom cloud released by the intentional burning of Vinyl Chloride after the train derailment in Ohio over a week ago is potentially more serious than nuclear fallout.
Read moreTonight will likely be the coldest of this Winter so far, but I'll be nice and warm in my ample outdoor sleeping gear. Also, many other updates!
Read moreI've decided to gather up the food stashes I've hidden in the wilderness because the compound I'm moving to soon will be able to both use and defend the goods.
Read moreFoam sleeping pads can be easily adapted to withstand very cold weather while also being compact and lightweight, but they can take awhile for the body to get used to.
Read moreAfter working towards this goal for over a year, I am now able to comfortably eat only one meal daily within a one hour time window without hunger or energy issues.
Read moreThe Soviet Formula, also known as Adapt-232, is a highly effective combination of the adaptogenic herbs Eleuthero, Rhodiola and Schisandra.
Read moreI'm planning to replant most of the Sunchokes I grew last year on someone else's property as soon as the weather warms up. Here's the process of preparing them for transport.
Read moreI've recently started carrying a bottle full of avocado, olive and MCT oil in my backpack as an efficient store of calories.
Read moreSynthetic Cannabinoids like Delta-8 THC and THC-O are psychoactively similar to normal THC from Cannabis, but are derived from Hemp and therefore legal to sell and ship to most states.
Read moreProblems with the skin can be the most complicated health issues to solve because their cause is often not obvious, but cleaning up your diet has the highest probability of solving it when compared to other methods.
Read moreI have a channel on LBRY and Odysee which reposts and supports videos from other people that I recommend checking out, and recently I've written a script to automate the process.
Read moreThe demons of the world could not succeed at their goal of corrupting humanity without their accomplices - the fools.
Read moreUsing calories to make decisions about how much food to eat is unreliable because energy absorption is affected by many variables.
Read moreLiving outside in the Winter can get pretty rough when the sun has been hiding behind snowing clouds for days.
Read moreI visit the local lake in the area which is currently classed off to cars and trucks, but not to my Solar eBike!
Read moreHere's an experiment making Chocolate and Peanut Butter Survival Food which can serve as my sole source of food without needing preparation while traveling.
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